To proceed with your child's telehealth medical appointment, please complete all required fields and submit the form. You can save your progress and return later if needed. Once the form is complete, please click 'Submit.'

This form is required before your appointment and will be securely stored in your patient records. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact a Telecare Coordinator at 03 9933 4633 or

Your Details

Patient (CHILD'S) Details

Medical History

Please include the pathology/radiology/hospital where you had your test and estimate time (e.g. January 2023)
Medical report, school reports, diagnostic reports etc
Medical report, school reports, diagnostic reports etc
Any other relevant information you'd like your specialist to know

Preferred Local Pharmacy

ADHD Medication Waiver

This informed consent and waiver is provided to you in relation to the prescription of psychostimulant medications. You must acknowledge and agree to the following terms before such medications may be part of a treatment plan.

Where this Form refers to 'we', 'us', 'our' as Telecare Australia, and also includes our personnel, including all practitioners on our website or portal.

Where the Patient is a minor, or is otherwise unable to complete this Form, the Authorised Representative set out in the table above may sign this Form on behalf of the Patient and, in such cases, you will mean the Authorised Representative. You warrant and agree that, if you are completing and signing this Form on behalf of the Patient, that you have the required authority to do so.

This informed consent and waiver shall remain in effect for the duration of the Patient's treatment with the prescribed psychostimulant medication, unless revoked or amended in writing by the Patient or Authorised Representative.

Prescription of the Medication

You agree to follow your treating medical practitioner’s instructions regarding the proper use, dosage, frequency, and duration of the prescribed psychostimulant medication. You understand that failure to comply with these instructions may result in adverse effects or diminished therapeutic benefits.

You confirm that you have read and understood the information provided to you regarding the prescribed psychostimulant medication, including the potential risks, benefits, and side effects associated with their use.

You understand that you have the right to withdraw your consent for the treatment with psychostimulant medication at any time. To do so, you must provide written notice to your treating medical practitioner, and you agree to follow any instructions provided by them regarding the safe discontinuation of the medication. In the event of an emergency, where you cannot contact your treating medical practitioner, you agree to seek appropriate medical advice from your nearest open medical clinic or emergency room.

Use of Recreational Drugs 

You confirm that the Patient is not currently using any recreational drugs. You acknowledge and agree that using recreational drugs while taking prescribed psychostimulant medications can lead to adverse health consequences.

You acknowledge that you have had the risks associated with taking psychostimulant medications explained to you, including the potential for abuse, dependence, and other side effects.

You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to ensure you do not use any recreational drugs while taking the prescribed psychostimulant medication.


To the maximum extent permitted by law, we (and our personnel, including any medical practioners) will not be liable for any harm or injuries the Patient may suffer as a result of not following recommendations regarding the use of psychostimulant medication, unless we are negligent.

Emergency Services

You acknowledge and agree that we may call emergency services if (at our sole discretion) we have the reasonable opinion that the Patient is putting themselves or a third party at risk of harm.
Telecare is not an emergency service. In the event of an emergency where you are unable to contact your treating medical practitioner, you will seek appropriate medical advice from the nearest open medical clinic or emergency room.

Paediatric development and behavioral assessments

Thank you for choosing one of Telecare's   paediatricians who specialise in development and behavioural assessments for your child. We want to make sure you understand what to expect during the assessment process. 

  1. Multi-Step Procedure:  The assessment is a detailed process with several steps. It might take multiple appointments to fully evaluate your child's condition.

  2. Review of Notes and Results: With consent from the parents/carers, our   paediatricians will carefully review various notes and investigation results, like medical records, previous assessments, and relevant tests. This helps them understand your child's medical, developmental, and behavioural history. If you have any reports that may be relevant, please send them through before the appointment.

  3. Collaboration with Others:  To make an accurate diagnosis, our   paediatricians work with other healthcare professionals, educators, and caregivers involved in your child's care. This collaboration provides a better understanding of your child's unique situation.

Please remember that a thorough assessment may take time and careful consideration. We appreciate your patience as we work towards the best outcome for your child. We aim to provide the best care and accurate diagnoses for your child's needs. If you have any questions or concerns, our team is here to support you.

Consent to provide information

If you are actively suicidal and/or contemplating significant self-harm, Telecare’s virtual care model may not be sufficient for your needs. Please consider urgently speaking to your GP, contacting your local crisis mental health team or presenting to your nearest Emergency Department, we will return your care to your GP to support you with alternative local care in such case.

Obtaining medical information

As part of providing a clinical service to you, Telecare's specialist or allied health provider will need to collect and record personal information from you that is relevant to your current situation. This information will be a necessary part of the assessment and treatment that is conducted.

Purpose of collecting and holding information


The information is gathered as part of the assessment and is seen only by your provider and Telecare staff. The information is retained to document what happens during sessions and enables the provider to provide a relevant and informed clinical service.  

Access to Client Information 

At any stage you as a client are entitled to access to the information about you kept on file unless the relevant legislation provides otherwise. The provider may discuss with you appropriate forms of access.  


All personal information gathered by the provider during the provision of the service will remain confidential and secure except where:  

  1. It is subpoenaed by a court, or  

  2. Failure to disclose the information would place you or another person at serious risk/danger/harm; or  

  3. To provide a written report to another professional or referring agency eg. a GP to discuss the material with another person, eg. a parent or if disclosure is otherwise required or authorised by law. It is a Medicare requirement that progress reports be sent to the referring GP.



Completed by one or both guardians of a patient



Infancy / young child


34. How old was s/he when:

Day Care

Primary Education

⚠️ Questions in this field will be hidden as they are not applicable to the subject

Secondary Education

⚠️ Questions in this field will be hidden as they are not applicable to the subject


⚠️ Questions in this field will be hidden as they are not applicable to the subject

⚠️ This question is only applicable to subjects over the age of 10 years old. Please select not applicable if the subject does not fit into this age range.

For all questions below, please provide details about the nature of the difficulties

⚠️ Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Some questions may not be applicable; if so please select "Not applicable" or type "N/A" into the relevant text box. 

⚠️   Skip rule for the rest of this section!  

Only continue if R7 = 'Some continuing problems', or if the SDQ peer problem score is 2 or morepoints higher than the prosocial score. Otherwise go to next section.

If you did not select "Some continuing problems' you will be unable to view questions  R8 - R43

If R6a = 'Yes', please answer R8 and R9, otherwise skip to R10

Make-believe play is important to some children. This can include pretend games with other children - games such as cops and robbers, or mummies and daddies. Even when they are by themselves, children may act out stories with dolls, action men or make-believe objects.


The above questions relate to specific diagnostic criteria in a DSM-V as indicated in the table below:

Code DSM-V Criterion Brief Description Relevant Questions
Gen and Imp provide general information about development and impact of difficultiesR1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R38, R39, R40, R41, R42, R43
SE A1 Socio-emotional reciprocityR24, R25, R26
NV A2 Non-verbal communicationR10, R11, R12, R28, R29, R30
Rel A3 Relationships
R16, R17, R27
Rep B1 Stereotyped and repetitive movement & behaviourR13, R31, R32, R33, R37
RR B2 Preference for routine and resistance to changeR34, R35, R36
OB B3 Obessional behaviour and tendenciesR18, R19, R20, R21, R22, R23
Un B4 Unusual interests and sensory responsesR14, R15
Sen n/a Sensory processingR44, R45, R46, R47 



Please note the family member's relationship to the child in regard to the following:

Simply write N/A in the box if there is no relevant family history

NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Scale

PARENT Assessment

Telecare acknowledges that it shall not claim to possess any right, title or interest in and to the  Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale - Revised (RAADS-R) Assessment, and shall take no actions jeopardising the existence or enforceability of the proprietaryrights which Telecare recognises as belonging to the authors of the following assessment, as well as any other alleged proprietary holders hitherto unknown.


Each rating should be considered in the context of what is appropriate for the age of your child.When completing this form, please think about your child’s behaviors in the past  6 months.



Developer Reference:

Copyright ©2002 American Academy of Pediatrics and National Initiative for Children’sHealthcare Quality 

Adapted from the Vanderbilt Rating Scales developed by Mark L.Wolraich, MD.Revised


SNAP-IV 26 – Parent Rating Scale

Source: James M. Swanson, Ph.D., University of California, Irvine, CA 92715


Completed by one or both guardians of a patient -   Each person must complete their own form

Contact Telecare to request an additional form for a second guardian

Please select the most appropriate option that best describes the patient's behaviour

0 = Never or Rarely:  This is not a problem or concern. Any challenges are/were age-appropriate 

1 = Sometimes:  Some difficulty (somewhat) 

2 = Often:  This is a problem (pretty much) 

3 = Very Often:  This is a serious problem (very much) 

Treatment Plan


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